About Us

Hallo Levi here!

I have been a keen advocate for health as far as I can remember and have worked in the health industry for the past twenty three years.

During my experience I have seen people suffer mainly from an inability to address all three core areas of our health; physical, mental and spiritual. A lot has been said about physical health. Not a lot has been said about mental and depending on one’s persuasion spirit. I have chosen to focus on the former. I believe not a lot has been done about the mind.

This site is intended to be a one stop shop for all things mind. If you have any comments regarding any inaccuracies anywhere on the site, please email us with what is wrong, what you would include instead, and a reference to allow us to check and deliver more precise information to our users.

My purpose is to help others avoid suffering and live in harmony. I have a number of ways I achieve this and this site is one of them. I intend to help folks like yourself to get better mental health. I have discovered over the years and through personal experience ways and means to help. I will use this experience to the best of my ability to assist. In oder to also help me feel that I am making a difference, I ask that if you find something you agree with to please get involved with the site so that together we can also impact others.

Those who know me personally know that I love to talk and talking about mental health is one of my favourite subjects. If you have anything you want to say or feedback on the site please do speak up. I am a stippler for “kaizen” a word in Japanese that means ever improving.

To continue to improve, your lifestyle has to change and your mental and physical health are inseparable in sustaining this change. I can assure you that a healthy brain will make a healthy body. In effect over the years we have got it wrong. Society has over emphasised physical health at the expense of mental and spiritual health. The causes for this are many but one of the common reasons is a lack of understanding over metal health and how the brain works.

You see, many people are uncomfortable with things they cannot see and touch . The old adage that seeing is believing is true. Mentation and its health cannot be seen by others. Although the results of it are obvious, the person themselves sometimes can only feel the effects and in worst cases may even have no insight. Unlike physical health, people find it easy to see results, like weight loss or muscle bulking.

This then has translated I believe to overemphasis of physical health at the expense of the equally important mental and spiritual wellbeing. I can assure you that we can change this together and help others avoid suffering.

If you ever need any help with your mental wellbeing, I would be more than happy to connect. Simply leave a comment below and please ensure you visit the site regularly as it is constantly being updated with new stuff to better your mental health.

Here is to your mental vigor and plumbrains!!


Founder of Plumbrains
email: levi@plumbrains.com